Why have we not heard anything from the diesel shop? Is ANY work being done there? Whats the status on Milwaukee E-9 #33?
#1 dave on 2011-10-10 23:49
The engine room in 33C is having paint removed and cleaned to prep it for paint.
#1.1 Jeron Glander on 2011-10-12 20:14
How do I sign up to knock some tube ends out of the boiler? I'm a boy sized man and would like to get my hands dirty. Thanks, Chris
#2 Chris Wahlmark on 2011-10-11 21:37
Chris all you need to do is show up at the steam department shop on a Saturday. Just walk in and say you would like to volunteer. We will give you some paper work to fill out and then put you to work. You will need to get steel toes and have some old jeans and clothing (It will get dirty!) If you want you can get some gloves, but we have some you can use. So just stop on by and we will put you to work. Also you may want to bring towels, soap, and shampoo. You may get realy dirty where you need to take a shower. And bring a lunch.
#2.1 Philip on 2011-10-12 15:38
Just show up this Saturday or whenever you can get out to the museum (on a Saturday). The steam shop is right next to barn 9 so just come on down.
#2.2 Cameron Popek on 2011-10-12 19:04
Chris, Hopefully you now have my e-mail. Generally there is a team working every Saturday but it is best if we know when someone new is showing up. Nigel
#2.3 Nigel Bennett on 2011-10-12 19:22
Nope, I didn't get your email. I'd like to come on Oct 29th. Thanks, Chris
#2.3.1 Chris Wahlmark on 2011-10-15 18:38
That's great to hear but why only focus on her if there are many other candidates? Not try to be a burden or anything but I think that more options are a good idea like my favorite #26 :) Still great to hear all the work being done.
#3 hyde seybold (Homepage) on 2011-10-16 20:47
There are a few reasons. 1. 1630 is the closest to being completed. When you look at the work left to do 1630 is the easiest and the quickest. We have put so much effort into the project that we really want to see this project through. 2. We don't have the biggest crew in the world. We only have enough people to work fully on one project. But we usually have one or two other people free to work on something else. If anyone would like to see other projects done come on by and volunteer or donate to the steam department so we can complete 1630 and move onto our next project.
#3.1 Philip Cwikowski on 2011-10-18 12:17
I would if i didn't live in California.
#3.1.1 hyde seybold on 2011-10-23 00:06
Does #26 get any attention anymore? I just saw photos of her outside the shop she looks awful shes rusting everywhere.
#3.1.2 hyde seybold on 2011-10-23 23:39
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