Looks good folks, your hard work is paying off can't wait to see the final results. I was wondering if anyone over there can tell me if that Chicago and North Western Boxcar that was parked behind that warehouse was ever aquired for the museum. Several months ago an online discussion came up as to wether you wanted this car or not and it turned out that you did want it after all. This was the boxcar that was brown had the "400" logo on it . I was just curious -Mike P.S. we still talk about "ALCO" the cat up here from time to time and hope he is doing well where ever he might have gone.
#1 michael Eisenberg on 2011-10-27 09:09
The GN car looks better with each report. Can't wait to see the goat logo applied.
#2 Kirk Warner on 2011-10-27 14:36
The C&NW 284 boxcar was acquired by another museum. I am not privy to the details, but apparently IRM was not the only party interested in it. It is now on the equipment roster of the Hoosier Valley Railway Museum, listed as donated by Lawrence Foods in April 2010.
#3 Mike Gorecki on 2011-10-28 02:57
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