She's looking great. Nice job, guys. Keep up the great work.
#1 Adam Gunia on 2011-12-09 04:22
Looking good! As a BN fan & BN modeler, I am fond of the green & white "hockey stick" scheme. Too bad you can't find a couple of green & white cars for her to pull. I guess the train on my layout will have to suffice. Keep up the good work!
#1.1 Phil Imes (Homepage) on 2011-12-10 11:05
The buffed out paint looks great now that the patch outlines are gone and the green shines. I am also satisfied with the explanation about the CB&Q modifications and BN-3. When the MARC engines showed up I was thinking there would not be a lot of interest in them, I heard they had a lot of parts missing or were brought in for parts only, but I think their fates have turned out alright. Whats the plan for the stripes- is that tape stuff still obtainable in correct specifications?
#2 Chris on 2011-12-10 15:44
Hello, Is this BN unit being restored to BN or CB&Q?
#2.1 Dan on 2011-12-22 15:17
It's too bad it isn't being restored in CB&Q colors. I guess I'll settle for the one in St. Louis being the only accurate CB&Q E-9A.
#2.1.1 Matt on 2012-01-06 08:09
Matt, if you've been following the articles on 9908 from the beginning, you would've read "Sometime in the future, it will be restored back to CB&Q 9976 with stainless steel side panels and will be used as backup power for the Nebraska Zephyr."
#3 Jeron on 2012-01-09 00:51
Any chance the 9908 will have its 4 port side windows replaced that BN removed when the E9 was rebuilt for commuter service? Also its missing mars light replaced?
#3.1 Stan on 2012-01-30 02:10
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