I am just afraid that by the time 1630 is up and ready to run, it will have to be dismantled again to do the Federally mandated inspection. I am pessemistic, sorry to say.
#1 Wally Unglaub on 2012-05-06 16:39
Wally, I must say that I am puzzled by this comment. The whole driver for the current work is the major FRA mandated inspection (15 year 1472 day), which requires the removal of boiler tubes and inspection of the pressure vessel. So, unless we take 15 years over it from the time that we start retubing, it is unclear how it would need to be immediately dismantled for another "mandated" inspection. Nigel
#2 Nigel Bennett on 2012-05-06 20:34
Nigel, What you just told me is great news. YOU clarified things for me.
#3 Wally Unglaub on 2012-05-06 21:42
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