RE: Headlamp photo Looking at the photo of the lamp, I couldn't help notice something in the background; is that maroon paint on the floor boards? This photo was taken in the interior of the plow, correct? Thank you. Lucien O. REPLY: Good eye, Lucien. This image was taken where the cab floor is visible in the background, and there is some worn reddish paint remaining. Typically the floors might have been a sort of tile red, usually they did not use the exterior paint color (maroon) for interior floors. More detective work needed. Bob Kutella
#1 Lucien O. on 2012-07-02 09:56
If they are Par 56 (which is size of bulb), there are 3 listed on ebay. They are GE 2oow 30v flood for trains @ $29,95 ea new. look up par 56 30. Or probably get from Westinghouse or GE. Good to see Milw 118-C pulling passinger train, & all work you guys do.
#2 Daniel Toll on 2012-07-02 23:42
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