Glad you enjoyed your visit to England.I'm English and now currently living in Cleveland Ohio.In England I lived near a town called Loughborough which use to have two mainline services from London to the north of England,now there is just the one and the other is now the famous steam railway known as the Great Central Railway which is the only preserved mainline steam railroad in England that has double tracks running most of it's length. On another note I'm hopefully going to make the trip by road to your museum in June and from what I've seen on the website I'm really looking forward to it.
#1 Andrew Easom on 2013-03-16 17:40
Andrew, Yes. I visited the GCR at Loughborough a couple of years back. Most impressive. Hope we will see you in June. Nigel
#1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2013-03-17 12:07
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