Was the patch on the inner or outer firebox shell. I can't say that I have ever seen a patched firebox pass inspection.
#1 Michael Hill on 2013-07-07 20:21
Firebox patches are very common. Shay 9 at the Loop has two corner patches just below the tube sheet to replace what was a larger area of pad welding done by West Side Lumber. UP 3985's firebox is made up of nothing but patches, which is part of the reason its now out of service.
#1.1 Will on 2013-07-08 11:07
I was involved with a boiler last year in another organization that had an internal firebox repair (new plate and stays) that passed inspection on its first attempt.
#1.2 Eric Wahlmark on 2013-07-08 21:47
I have been in the firebox of a half dozen or more steam locomotives, and every one has evidence of at least one patch. Most have them in the corners, as these locations they seem to get the most "wear". Some others have half sheets, from the mud ring up. These repairs were very common when steam was still running in the 50's, and they tried to squeeze as much life out of the locomotive before it was finally retired and scrapped.
#1.3 Jim Arcaro on 2013-07-10 14:17
? Unclear what is the basis of your comment. The fitting of corner patches to the inner firebox is standard documented practice followed by many railroads. As with all significant repair work done at the IRM steam shop we follow such standards in making the repair. Some other preserved locomotives have undergone similar repairs recently and other locomotives in the collection show indications of similar repairs in railroad service. Nigel
#2 Nigel Bennett on 2013-07-07 20:32
Is that 428's cab behind 1630's air tanks?
#3 hyde seybold on 2013-07-10 14:50
Will anyone be working on 1630 Sunday the 14th? I'd like to come up and lend a hand.
#4 Chris Zahrt on 2013-07-12 21:56
Yes it is. Nigel
#5 Nigel Bennett on 2013-07-13 07:21
14th is probably one of the least likely Sundays for there to be people working as the Benefit is that afternoon. I will check around to see if anyone is planning to be there. The Sunday session normally starts around lunch time. Nigel
#6 Nigel Bennett on 2013-07-13 07:23
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