Bob, this has nothing to do with the wood shop, but since you seem to be 'wired in' at IRM, perhaps you can direct this to the proper person: does IRM still offer a "Pull the Throttle" opportunity? I had a work colleague show me a Chicago Tribune article from May 26th about the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum's similar "Guest Engineer" program, and I could not find any info on IRM's website for him. Thanks!
#1 Mike Gorecki on 2013-08-03 07:05
We do have such a program and ours is called TAKE THE THROTTLE. We had one such visitor get his turn last Saturday. Right now that could include your choice of Diesel or Electric trains, usually on operating days, late in the afternoon, not to interfere with regular runs. I believe they are scheduled by a 'coordinator' as part of the Operations Department. I do not have a name for you to contact, best bet might be to call Jan Nunez at the office, except Thurs and Fri. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-08-04 04:57
Thanks, Bob. Currently, clicking Site Search and entering "Take the Throttle" brings one to a 2008 article in Rail & Wire, then to your above reply to my query. So, for interested non-members, the number to call is 1-815-923-4391, then press 2 for the office. ED: Our calendar gives that same number but notes ext 404. RK
#1.1.1 Mike Gorecki on 2013-08-05 09:58
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