What is the plan to finish the exterior appearance of the exhibit cars, since they won't look like whatever they originally were? They could get new promotional graphics for the museum, or just get painted to match or blend in with other equipment. Maybe if they are made interchangeable again, they could be sent to events like the Amtrak Train Day, Franklin Park, or the industry trade conferences where equipment is displayed- if somebody would be willing to donate the cost of sending them to those events.
#1 Chris on 2013-11-14 18:07
Hi Chris, The plan is to just paint them in their original colors. For Car 1 that would be Union Pacific, and Car 2 in B&O colors. The cars will never leave the property, but will look a lot nicer when done. This will take a few years yet as we are trying to get the exterior work done, and have to fit that in between other projects. Mike Baksic, Coach Dept. Curator
#2 Mike Baksic on 2013-11-16 15:12
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