The 2015 IRM annual meeetings; Rules,safety,election of board members, & any other business, etc. will be held on the 3rd. or 4th. saturday of April. Have definite date, times, & locations been announced yet?? Dick Koch
#1 Dick Koch on 2015-01-26 12:08
I am looking to purchase a CTA train car, any model. Do you know how I go about finding a retired train car?
#1.1 Rhoda R on 2015-10-30 10:51
Hi Rhoda, I would contact the CTA on purchasing a retired rail car. They recently retired the 2400 series and some of the 2600 series now that they have received the last of the 5000 series rail cars. Hope this helps.
#1.1.1 Guy Bona on 2015-11-02 11:29
Are you the Paul Cronin from B&M days at Iron Horse Park?
#2 Robert E Dumont on 2018-11-03 17:05
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