Could someone please give me an update on Milwaukee Road 33C and Chicago and North Western 1518 GP-9 I thought the Geep was being restored at one time Thanks
#1 Michael Eisenberg on 2016-01-01 21:48
um, 1518 is a GP7. i am also intrigued to know the status of 33C, and 37A to be honest.
#1.1 Raphael on 2016-01-02 02:39
1518's rebuilt drum controller was lifted into the cab on Saturday. Holes need to be located and drilled into the replacement steel cab floor plate and then the controller can be mounted and wired in.
#1.2 Laddie Vitek on 2016-01-03 08:26
Just a word of thanks for the Diesel Shop Updates. Good to know what's going on in Super Shop.
#2 Jim Reising on 2016-01-03 09:20
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