Regarding barns: will the webcam on barn 9 be repaired or replaced anytime soon? Regarding webcams: station track 2 looks to be full of bathtub gondolas, and the CTC webcam shows track east of Seeman Road, west of Johnson Siding, and west of the interchange track occupied as well. Is this a fault in the signaling system, or is IRM storing cars for the UP?
#1 Mike G. on 2016-01-18 09:25
Hello Mike To my knowledge the webcams will be repaired sometime in the future. We are not in the business of storing bathtubs at Irm but are we now are storing MT hoppers for a client. The signal system is functioning properly. The UP set the hoppers out on our siding and we shoveled and switched them in with our power. BTW, we are not storing them for the UP. Thanks Roger
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2016-01-18 19:35
So, does that mean they are some new cars for your guys?
#1.1.1 Keegan on 2016-01-21 08:43
no, they are still active revenue.
# Raphael on 2016-01-24 18:20
So who is the new "client" we are storing MT hoppers for on track 2? I don't believe you said who it is.
#1.1.2 Russ Prince on 2016-03-06 22:42
The details of the storage contract are confidential, including the name of the client and the amount we are being paid.
# David S on 2016-03-11 22:11
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