..and where do I find these tickets? They are not listed on the calendar.
#1 Kristen Breyer on 2017-04-22 12:58
There is a link provided in the announcement of this event for ordering the tickets directly from IRM's online store. Link to announcement of event:,-2017.html
#1.1 Robert J on 2017-04-26 19:26
**Please note no tickets will be mailed to your address. You will need to print the email confirmation of your ticket order and bring it to IRM on the day of the event in order to gain admission to same. Here is the link to ordering tickets:
#2 Robert J on 2017-04-26 19:33
Last but not least - I'm happy to see this event as the one planned for Diesel Days 2016 got rained out. I note with some surprise that CNW 1518 is to be included. Thought it had a long way to go for getting it's cab work done?
#3 Robert J on 2017-04-26 19:46
We're going to figure out a way to use the rear 3/4's of it in a photo shoot somehow.
#3.1 Jamie K on 2017-04-27 15:02
Will there be a rain date just in case?
#4 Eric W Kriesant on 2017-05-15 14:41
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