the pawnee is looking great a pat on the back to all involved
#1 jack pfleeger on 2021-01-12 16:30
Hello Jack Yes, It will be one of our most impressive cars that we have at IRM when its completed. Thanks for the pat on the back! Roger.
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2021-01-15 10:13
Those cars look great so far guys! Man I wish I had the time to volunteer and become a member at IRM that looks like so much fun especially with how gorgeous the paints turning out on Milwaukee road! Keep us updated I love seeing them
#2 Jason E. on 2021-01-14 21:05
Hello Jason. Your comments are very much appreciated. Yes, there is much hard work that goes into all our restorations and maintenance here at the museum. Please consider a membership at Irm. Our publication, Rail and Wire is one of a number of benefits when you join. Please call the museum office to join, 815-923-4391. Thanks again. Roger
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2021-01-15 10:20
is there a eason a lot of passenger cars have no diaphrams on them? i see several have the buffers installed
#3 jack pfleeger on 2021-01-20 07:46
Hello Jack Yes, the buffers have been installed but the canvas curtains cost about about 1500 each to purchase. Thanks Roger
#3.1 Roger Kramer on 2021-01-21 19:44
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