i'm just chomping for this question, are there any other michigan electric cars still in exsistance or is 28 the soul survivor? why I'm asking is because i have been hearing a lot about 28 these past couple of weeks.
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-02-09 21:54
The 28 MAY be the only Michigan Electric car saved, but there are a few other cars in some state of preservation from the interurbans in Michigan. We certainly hope to reach the point where the 28 can operate again! To answer you in more detail - this is not the place. But one of our members, Frank Hicks, works on a data base of Preserved North American Electric Railway cars. See his site: www dot bera dot org slash pnaerc dot html Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-02-10 05:04
go to and look for the 2005 article about the car i found onduck lake, near albion, mi. also, norm knows about this car as well, george
#1.2 gbsparrow on 2010-02-16 14:30
Good article, George. I and Norm 'discovered' the ME 28 on Duck Lake and there was a sign out in front "FREE TROLLEY CAR". We ultimately moved the body to Union and there have been decades of work done with the aim of making it operate again. Bob Kutella
#1.2.1 Robert Kutella on 2010-02-17 03:12
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