What type of resotoration? I really hope it is staying as CSS&SB 1100?
#1 Keith Ziolkowski on 2010-02-12 23:51
Whether 1100 remains a line car (and one of my favorite PE cars at OERM is Tower Car 00157) or is restored to its passenger carrying days, it will be a priceless link to the long ago days of midwestern interurbans. I will be sending a contribution to the 1100 fund; my main question is, how much work will be required to take it back to running on 600 VDC?
#2 Bob Davis on 2010-02-14 01:34
what does PE mean? and what is the OERM?
#3 Eric Chapman on 2010-02-14 19:55
PE is (or was) Pacific Electric Railway, which served the LA Metro area with several hundred miles of electric railway from 1911 to 1961. Several books have been written on the PE, which was sometimes called the "World's Largest Interurban". OERM is Orange Empire Railway Museum in Perris, CA (about 15 miles southeast of Riverside.) We're on the Web at "".
#3.1 Bob Davis on 2010-02-14 20:48
Is this going to stay in the CSS&SB livery?
#4 Miles Thompson on 2010-04-08 08:21
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