I was looking over the pictures of the CA&E 451 and noticed Milwaukee Road 33C in the background. It seems that all restoration work has ground to a standstill, any updates for an old Milwaukee fan?
#1 Mike Z on 2010-02-15 18:46
There is a photo gallery on that one too, work is just picking back up on it and eventually we'll have some blog updates on it too. For now, check out this link:
#1.1 James Kolanowski on 2010-02-15 19:10
I realize I might be commiting heresy here. But y'know in an odd way, I would have like to have seen at least one car retain the Trolleyville "Columbia Park & South Western" livery. It's a good paint scheme and it'd be a great homage to the man that saved these cars in the first place, Gerald E. Brookins.
#2 PaulF on 2010-08-15 07:52
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