what i have heard is that the railway museum of greater cincinnatti ( that is in kentucky ) is having surplus eqipment, in other words, equipment for sale. so probably one of the cars there would be useful as parts for 4103.
#1 Eric Chapman on 2010-07-11 21:59
and how are we supposed to match parts from a car in Cincinnati to a wood built car from a different era? and how are the parts suposed to be purchased? CNW 4103 is wood frame, which means wood working and framing.
#2 Phil on 2010-07-11 22:55
Agreed, its like buying used Desoto parts, to fit on your Buick!
#2.1 JD on 2010-07-12 16:36
the museum is actualy in kentucky. its simple. study the car. go over there to find a matching part(s) if needed, use a vendiagrahm
#3 eric Chapman on 2010-07-11 23:58
uh huh in our spare time we can just wander over and find wood beams that match and then just take them from the car there and transport them to IRM? before or after we get all the cars ready for our summer events and complete the restoration of the cars we currently have ? and who can pay for all this? any car in our inventory can be restored, if someone has the funds for it.
#4 Phil Stepek on 2010-07-12 00:05
i noticed that 4103 also had steel to it as mentioned in the coach roster "steel sheathed wood coach" i'd think you might want to ask the hicks brothers about this opinion (they always have lots of free time) just by viewing one of the images in its photo album, that the half of the car ( horizontaly ) is steel.
#5 Eric Chapman on 2010-07-12 13:05
right in their spare time someday
#6 Phil Stepek on 2010-07-12 14:48
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