What is in a name? In your report you refer to the John Mc Gloughlin, which is of course incorrect. One of our volunteers persists in pronouncing it starting with a G so maybe that is the source of the confusion. The car is the John Mc Loughlin, built for the original EMPIRE BUILDER and it carried that on the letterboard, the car painted in Pullman Green. It would make a nice display so painted and lettered, a fitting reminder of the Great Northern name train of fame. Bob Kutella
#1 Bob Kutella on 2010-11-24 06:01
so call it a typo. The photo gallery has been named correctly for some time now, and our internal records are also correct. The cars donation fund name is also correct. Sometimes the specific name changes as the car moves along its path of restoration, as information and records appear. B&M car 1094 and Dover Strait are two previous examples of this.
#2 Phil Stepek on 2010-11-24 09:39
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