It looks like seats are an issue (both dome and main floor). What are the options for obtaining seats? It looks like this is going to be a really outstanding car for the museums silver fleet. I rode this or one of its sisters on the old Rio Grande Zephyr in the early 1980's.
#1 Mark Becker on 2011-01-13 16:11
the need for seats and frames is known. we are talking to some of the parts sellers around the country, but no real answers just yet. While they are important, I really dont have the time to pursue them right now as my time is consumed by the early stages of preparation, electrical and function. Lights are missing, ceiling panels dropped blowers disassembled in the ceiling. Lots to do. I learned a long time ago to set some short and long term goals, simply to prevent being overwhelmed by it all. Silver Ridge taught me a lot about doing one thing at a time, and through this coming season, I will get a much better handle on the cars needs. Right now I want to have it ready for view when it is on its wheels.
#1.1 phil on 2011-01-13 16:33
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