Windows and internal conditions excluded, from the pictures the outside doesn't seem to look like it is in that bad a condition. When the time comes, how will it be repainted?
#1 Mark on 2011-03-15 09:04
Mark, I believe talks were painting it in ATSF black and white scheme. I don't know the actual name of the scheme.
#1.1 Keith on 2011-03-16 14:49
Mark and Keith, some time way far in the future we'll paint it to the scheme with blue and yellow stripe. All the details are in the comments of the first post on this loco which can be found here:
#1.1.1 James Kolanowski on 2011-03-16 14:59
Gentlemen, (and ladies perhaps...) This is great and encouraging news, and I hope progess continues at a flawless pace for you and for GB&W 2407. I have a few questions, which, for the lack of not knowing who to ask, have directed to you in the hopes of it going to the right person. 1) Are there any other known surviving "aligators" preserved elsewhere in the country or is 2407 the only exaqmple left. 2) Over the next few weeks can someone give us an update on preservation efforts on Millwalkee Road #33C the E-9A that has been in the diesil shed being worked on? 3) Finally, I saw the Southern Pacific SD-7 (#1518)in several shots was wondering if there were plans to eventially paint it, The "bloody nose" configuration is nice but no doubt you would want to paint it on who ever were the original owners of it. Just curious at your conveiance over the next several weeks- thank you
#2 michael eisenberg on 2011-03-18 13:09
Michael, There are just a couple other RSD15's at other museums, one at CSRM that I know of, not sure where the others are. We'll create a separate category for the ongoing work on 33C and will update it as work does progress, it might be a bit for the first update to be posted. The SP 1518 was originally an EMD demonstrator as it is the first SD7 built. It would require too much backdating to make it a demonstrator again, it would be best to keep its current paint scheme. There are no plans to paint it anytime soon.
#2.1 James Kolanowski on 2011-03-21 10:05
Hi It may be of interest that there are still I believe some close relitive RSD16s in passenger service in Argintina between San Martin Station, Beunos Aries and Pillar. As someone who has spent a lot of time swimming in oil and muck resoring diesels in the UK can I say AWSOME PROGRESS with what you've been doing! Just a couple of questions: How many of your locos are fully operational, it dosen't seem clear from this site? Is there a Diesel event this year or other event when it would be possible to ride behind and admire your hard work? Thinking about a trip from the UK. My last ones were long enough ago that I rode E9s/F7s on MARC, F7s/GP7s on Shore line East, Long Island was populated with GP38s and you couldn't go 5 yards without tripping over an FL9 on ConnDOT and MetroNorth. Happy days Regards Ian Hudson Birmingham UK
#3 Ian Hudson on 2011-03-23 20:24
Ian - Every year IRM has "Diesel Days" where most of the operational locomotives are in service for one weekend. This year's version is on July 16 & 17, 2011 (Saturday & Sunday). So if it's diesels you want to see running at IRM visit on that weekend! And if you want to know when IRM operates including special events such as Diesel Days check out the 'Schedule' link at the top of this page. Hope this helps you out! - Robert
#3.1 Robert Jittler on 2011-03-31 10:49
Did some reading called I have about every book there is on the Santa Fe Diesel Fleet. The First 25 RSD-15's were Delivered in the Zebra Stripe the rest in the Blue and Yellow. If this had been say 804 then Zebras would have been right for the unit. On the 1518 what would be cooler than heck would be to give her the Full SP Light Package they ran in the 80's and Full Bloody nose or even as a Thuimb to the ICC the SPSF Merger Scheme.
#4 Ed Benton on 2011-03-25 08:16
Ed - In the future when discussing #1518 at IRM please use the owning road's initials as there is both a CNW 1518 and SP 1518 on the roster. I can tell from your comment you meant the SP 1518 thanks to the reference to the light package. Just want to be clear which 1518 we were talking about here. - Robert
#4.1 Robert Jittler on 2011-03-31 10:54
Great to hear that the ALCo RSD-15 progress is going well.
#5 David Ulibarri on 2011-03-29 15:06
looking to volinter.on weekends .who do i contack .to help . thank you.
#6 allen curington on 2012-04-09 08:42
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