I would like to thank Bob Kutella and Rich Witt plus all assistants who manufactured 11 wood windows for IC 3996 diner built in 1919!!! For readers not familiar with the wood shop I would strongly suggest a visit and a DONATION to the wood shop. Its one of the best assets IRM has created. I can not stress more the importance of that shop. It sure has saved the museum $ as well as preserving and teaching the art of woodworking. Again THANKS BOB. Your leadership and knowledge is greatly appreciated. Roger Kramer
#1 Roger Kramer on 2011-04-07 09:27
I am kinda curious, are there any rumors of or about to get new acquisition?
#2 Raphael Chapman on 2011-04-09 15:23
On average, I bet there are at least a half dozen new potential acquisitions we hear about EVERY MONTH. They need to be investigated, perhaps inspected in person, evaluated, and then submitted for approval to our Board. A key part of that approval process is FUNDING. So, consider that there are many already approved projects, including three passenger cars to be moved, and perhaps at least a half dozen cars already on the property, that are new acquisitions. The concept of a new acquisition is attractive, romantic, and glorious, but please - let us support the ones already approved (and already here, but with unpaid bills) with your donations, before we go after MORE! Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-04-10 05:28
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