What was the occasion?
#1 David on 2011-04-25 09:50
I was not involved in the details, but on the mid-day run that came into our property, there were kids on board that were treated to a full run on our mainline in two of the Chicago steel L cars. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-04-25 14:49
The trips were for Operation Lifesaver and stopped out at the property at the request of the U.P. Also Bob, with a locomotive on each end (the other locomotive being #7400, the breast cancer awareness loco, the operation is considered pull-pull. Push-pull mainly is how Metra, and for that matter we, operate with steam or diesel. Although with Metra, and our bi-level trainset, the engineer controls the locomotive from either the locomotive or the cab-car at the other end. Correction noted, thanks, and BLOG ENTRY revised -RK
#2 Dan Boylan on 2011-04-25 15:50
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