Is the BN9908 (on IRM roster as CB&Q 9976) operable? I found a photo of it at the head end of a North Coast Limited in 1962, in its original silver livery. It sure would look good repainted and at the head end of an IRM 'silver car' train, and in a pinch pulling the Zephyr trainset. I know the Diesel Shop is busy with several projects, just curious as to the plans for this E8. See for a good color photo.
#1 Mike Gorecki on 2011-09-02 11:17
yes, 9908 (9976) is operable. There is a lot of work to do to restore it back to 9976, but it will eventually happen. And we'll probably go with 26 brakes in place of the PS68 for supportability reasons. We had always planned on having another E that was considered expendable to use for the Zephyr for off-property trips in place of the last remaining E5.
#1.1 James Kolanowski on 2011-09-09 12:06
will there be a steam engine operating this labor day weekend, on saturday? the posted schedule looks like last years dating. thanks in advance
#2 jon on 2012-08-15 20:03
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