Congratulations on another car looking Great, even Great Northern!
#1 Kirk Warner on 2011-10-14 06:32
Looks great Bob!
#2 Alex Randow on 2011-10-14 08:09
Its looking great! Are the trucks supposed to be painted too? They look red or brown on the in service photo.
#3 James Kolanowski on 2011-10-15 08:07
Yes, the trucks will be painted 'mineral red' which is a brownish red color seen on many boxcars. Kind of an odd scheme. We started the lettering yesterday, but that will be weather dependent, and there is a LOT of lettering.
#3.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-10-16 04:51
"Terror on the Train" I know this has nothing to do with the car repairs, however, IRM really hit a home run with this idea. My family and I really enjoyed the experience. By the size of the crowd, I would say that they thought so too! I plan on another visit to see this again. Thanks to all at IRM
#4 Alan Payson on 2011-10-17 12:14
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