so let me guess, olympus has been scrapped
#1 Raphael on 2011-11-20 10:30
According to the Phil's recent blog entry, Olympus was accidentally scrapped. Gateway promised to donate a different baggage car to correct the mistake.
#2 David J Ulibarri on 2011-11-25 12:05
Yes, that is correct it was scrapped. Gateway has given Irm another baggage car the Silver Beaver #801, I believe is the correct #. Built for the California Zephyer. Should be moving any month after Xmas, I hope. PlEASE send donations to this new car name. Its complete with trucks.
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2011-11-27 21:56
Is it possible to replace the missing skirts on silver beaver?? Just wondering if IRM is planning on that.
#2.1.1 trainboy4 on 2011-12-22 10:02
what kind of baggage car where they thinking of?
#3 Raphael Chapman on 2011-11-27 21:14
Am I mistaken in remembering that the trucks under Olympus were incorrect for the car but were needed for another car already on the property? And didn't we have the correct trucks for Olympus? Now that Silver Beaver has correct trucks, what will be used for the observation car? Or am I just completely mistaken?
#4 Mark Reimers on 2011-12-01 10:48
Lets see if I can get this correct. I was not envolved but... the trucks under Olympus were to be crained and switched at Irm. Trucks that were found in our field and reconditioned by Mike Mark and Ray all last winter were then to be used under the Olympus. Trucks under Olympus were to be crained(lifted)and placed under the Silver Pony. This was to be accomplished to save $ on crain charges. Bottomline... Send $ to Silver Beaver and Silver Pony to accomplish the task. Thanks for the question. Roger
#4.1 rkramer on 2011-12-02 11:42
Any word on the latest progress of the Sliver Beaver? Has it arrived at IRM safely?
#5 Matthew Gustafson on 2012-09-22 22:24
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