Looks great! The car body restoration is moving along at lightning speed since the days I was around IRM. A question for the future of the restoration effort: Does this car have trucks, motors, control equipment, etc.? And is the restoration goal for eventual operation? Thanks.
#1 John Csoka on 2011-11-21 13:26
Of course I am not the project manager for this, but I think it is fair to say that the ultimate goal of any of our restoration projects is to be able to see the car operate. The guys here have accomplished light years of progress since we found the naked carbody used as a summer cabin beside a lake in Michigan. Maybe one of the project team will give us more details.
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2011-11-21 14:20
Yes John, we want to restore the car and operate it at IRM. We have the trucks (the car is resting on them) and all the control equipment. We even have a Peter Smith heater for those cool summer afternoons :-) What we really need now are more volunteers to help us and additional $$ donations. Total restorations are time consuming and expensive!
#1.2 Ray Schmid on 2011-11-21 15:41
Are the electricals, trucks etc from North Shore 250 going to be used on ME 28?
#1.3 David Church on 2011-11-21 19:14
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