I am very interested in Silver Pony...both to work and contribute.I live in East Peoria. When is work done??I have tools and available days this fall to help.
#1 Dick Cridlebaugh(member) on 2014-09-03 21:26
Hello Mr Cridlebaugh The Silver pony does need work. See me in back of barn 3 on a Wed and we can get you started with the crew.
#1.1 Roger Kramer on 2014-09-04 19:51
02-16-2020 I soon will be 85 and-while a member- cannot get there to work on the Pony. I can only "contribute$$$"Is Pony still being restored??? I hope so.
#1.1.1 Dick Cridlebaugh@East Peoria on 2020-02-16 22:12
Hello Dick Good to hear from you! The "Pony" hasn't been worked on for a while because the coach dept has been focusing on the repair and installation of windows for the Milwaukee coach 649. Once the coach is finished this late spring a group of interested volunteers will again work on installing windows in the "Pony." We need more funds to purchased eight new windows. They are very expensive at an estimate of $259 each. The project sure could use the help. Thanks for your interest! Best Regards Roger Kramer, Restoration Forman
# Roger Kramer on 2020-02-23 17:08
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