Nigel, I can't wait to get out to voulenteer for the steam team! I am 15 years old and live about half an hour from Union in Sycamore, Illinois and am a member of the Northern Illinois Steam Power Club. Our main goal is to preserve and operate steam agricultural equipment and such. I voulenteer there on a regular basis. I am fireman on an Erie type A steam shovel and on the clubs 1916 steam traction engine. I have already gone to a steam school in Edgerton, Wisconsin, and have helped several other steamers restore their engines over the past few years. I am eager to learn more about steam locomotives, as I realize the're a bit more work than a steam tractor! I hope to be out there and get greasy and sooty as soon as I turn 18! Thanks for keeping a good documentation on the locomotive's restoragtion progress! Liam
#1 Liam Dancey on 2012-03-07 20:25
Do drop by the shop. We are open when the museum is. Nigel
#1.1 Nigel Bennett on 2012-03-09 16:26
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