Didn't the old tv ads say the address as Belmont and Western?
#1 T.Keenan on 2012-06-24 08:52
I believe the sign got it right, from my recollections of the tag line on the TV ads that were announced by Dick "Two Ton" Baker.
#1.1 Tom Leaton on 2012-07-01 14:01
I love that sign! The folks at IRM did a great job on it. And, to answer your question, it was called "Water Bug". A postcard from the ride can be found by searching the web. ED: Brian, we do not post links here.
#2 Brian Plencner on 2012-06-24 09:28
Saw this on Chicago Day 6/23/2012. Didn't realize it was your newest attraction. Good job. Brought back many found memories. We had great time at the museum. Thanks
#3 Dave Gudewicz on 2012-06-24 09:34
I was there-watched it being put up-great to ride Green Hornet and see the billboard.
#4 Len Marcus on 2012-06-24 12:03
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