This appears to be a very beautiful and well done restoration.With the current news about the UP coal train derailment, lets hope that does not happen here. This is too nice. And all the work that went into it! I can only tip my hat to those that put in all that work restoring this car. And, yes a small donation toward track space will be coming. Now a side note... What is the status of Michigan Northern 671, ex U.P.967-B?? I have not seen anything about this unit and am kind of curious. Thanks. John REPLY: I am not a working member of the Internal Combustion Department and may have details wrong here. But I think the MN 671 was basically an empty shell without prime movers. It went to the Wisconsin Southern under a long term agreement to have it restored to an operating B unit. One of the MARC A units went along to become the parts donor. At the end of the term, it would be returned to IRM in operating condition. Bob Kutella
#1 john franta on 2012-07-05 09:09
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