Please oh please, post some photos of the frame and underbody. What sort of trucks does it ride on?
#1 Chris Cardinal on 2012-10-09 16:32
You did not say exactly but I assume you are asking about our butter dish milk car. I wish you had asked this while it was still being worked on and up front on our campus. It has already moved back to the south yards for winter storage. Underframe pics are difficult in any case, but we could have snapped one of the 4 wheel high speed passenger type trucks. Have you seen the pics in our GALLERY album - ? Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2012-10-10 02:23
Thanks Bob. I have those photos in my reference archive. My timing usually works like this. LOL Chris
#2 Chris Cardinal on 2012-10-10 08:09
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