It's great to hear we have an FRA date, Nigel - but what will that do to those of us coming for Museum Showcase Weekend? One of the highlights for me on Saturday of that weekend is a visit to the steam shop...but I surely do not want to get in anyone's way.
#1 Jim Reising on 2012-09-02 18:51
Jim, Clearly we will need to coordinate and there will be some restrictions. For sure we will need to restrict visitor access to the shop while we are working with the inspector. However the best estimate we have is currently that the inspection is nothing like an all day affair, probably around an hour. So we would hope to be able to accept visitors much of the day. Nigel
#2 Nigel Bennett on 2012-09-03 08:49
So after this inspection what will be done? What else is needed for #1630 before we can talk operational status?
#3 Hyde Seybold on 2012-09-04 18:45
Once we have a successful internal inspection of the boiler we start the re-assembly process. Broadly, we first refit the 200+ tubes and flues. When this (and the patch) are complete we do an initial hydro test and ensure all the tubes are water tight. Then once that is proven we refit the superheaters, lagging and all the accessories. Hydrotest the complete system and if that is OK steam test. Nigel
#4 Nigel Bennett on 2012-09-04 19:48
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