I had heard Mchenry County was giving a hard time to the museum over building code or somthing of that nature. How far away is the museum in getting a barn built where that car is?
#1 Adam on 2012-09-27 16:52
I would not say there is any problem working with McHenry County. There is a building code in place and we must meet it - no different than anyone else. The next step is to accumulate enough funding via donations to assure the structure can be contracted and paid for. Then to apply for the permit and let the job to the successful bidder. Each new barn is strictly a pay as you go project. We just have to get some more money and my opinion is that any donation here is the best spent money. Both to arrest further decay, and to preserve work done to date. If there was wide and grass roots support for this it could happen much sooner rather than later. If I had to guess, we might be 75% of the way to the goal. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2012-09-28 04:34
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