The plow is progressing very nicely. When do you plan to add the herald on the North side?
#1 Kirk Warner on 2012-10-28 14:58
I know it is hard to conceive of winter where you are in Florida. In fact it is hard for us to consider after the blistering summer. But most recent nights are below freezing and daytime highs of only 45F. That is too cold for the paint to work well, or for my old crippled hands to work well. True there may still be a day or two of warm weather, but once all that steel gets cold, one warm day is really not the time to start the herald which could well take a week of hand painting. As they say with the Chicago Cubs, wait till next year. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2012-10-29 05:48
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