Bob, I would be happy to help with blog pictures. Let me know where to send donations for a tripod for your camera.
#1 Randy Stahl on 2013-01-05 18:14
Thanks Randy. But I do not carry around a lot of equipment and a bag full of meters and lenses. I am using my retirement gift digital camera since it fits handily in the pocket of the shop apron and I can 'seize the moment' to grab some images as I and others are working in the shop. It comes with a 95 page booklet and while I am using autofocus, there must be some way to configure the settings for my 'special needs'. For instance I am always amazed at these cameras shooting in almost any light condition. That must come at the expense of slower shutter speed. I used to shoot with a better camera, a MINOLTA, but a ten cent piece of plastic for a latch failed and they are not repairable any longer. I did recruit another volunteer for shooting some of these yesterday and we will see if it improves. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-01-06 05:29
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