Is there any easy way to tell whether a particular piece of equipment has paid its track space charges and/or its barn space charges? Browsing through the roster, I do have favorites, but since I'm not very connected to the museum, I don't know whether my favorites *need* the donation. Would it be possible to include this information in the online roster entries? (The online roster also seems to have been last updated in 2009 -- perhaps it should be updated yearly.)
#1 Nathanael on 2014-02-16 20:02
i was the best friend with nick kallas 40 years ago please if its him ask him to come in condackt thank you
#2 nick giannopoulos on 2017-08-26 00:31
40 years ago, I've got CRS, refresh my memory or send me your contact cause I'm not sure but 40 years ago my best friend was a bottle.
#2.1 nick kallas on 2017-09-04 18:21
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