Certainly there are many pieces of equipment that desperately need inside storage. But I am not comfortable with building more storage barns that are not open to members or to the public. Barn 11, for instance, contains many interesting pieces, but it is always locked up tight. I would hate to see CGW X-38 finished up only to be locked away in an inaccessible storage barn. Please explain why there is no access to Barn 11.
#1 Steve Grishaber on 2013-03-20 09:15
Actually, all barns are open or can be opened to working members on site. The intention is to have all barns open to the general public, as improvements to the infrastructure allow. In the case of Barn 11 it is off the beaten path and the ground leading to it is rough, can be muddy, is not plowed during the winter. In summer a visitor on foot may have to navigate the uneven ground and not have appropriate footwear to be safe. Last year the rough grading was completed for an extension of Railroad Ave, but it is not visitor friendly yet. All a question of funding and time to make such improvements. In the beginning I would not look for Barn 14 to be totally public accessible either. I hope you can understand the limits of the property, funding, and available volunteer resource. As each barn is constructed there is usually a delay for general visitor access until the infrastructure can catch up. For example, Barn 10 is not open to the public although aisles and lighting inside is provided for that. Right now it would require an adventure safari for visitors to plod across the Yard 10 area. As a result Barn 10 contains many 'hanger queens' which are not display worthy and yet have long term preservation assured and are inside under roof. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-03-21 04:53
Thank you, Bob. I understand the limited resources available to the museum as well as the liability issues, having served many years on the boards of several non-profit organizations. I wish I didn't live so far from the museum so I could help out, other than monetarily, on a regular basis.
#2 Steve Grishaber on 2013-03-21 12:28
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