Bob, What is the status of the TMER&L 972 project? I have not seen an update on this car in a while.
#1 BK Krause on 2013-05-02 18:00
Of course I am not the spokesman for the question. I guess the answer is that we have a lot on our plate and cannot finish it all at one sitting. Meaning there are a lot of active projects and not a staff of hundreds to do the work. Top of the list is the CHICAGO AND WEST TOWNS 141 which is very close. Needed new castings have been delivered and if they prove out and get installed, that car should be about done - pending any new discoveries. The 972 is next in line I think. First will be completing the truck assembly and getting motors hung, etc. With the trucks under the car again, there are a few other items, reinforcing of frame members etc. And new work gets interrupted by other project work, maintaining the operating fleet, and prepping for our 60th anniversary special events. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-05-03 05:35
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