Looking good Bob! I hope to come out soon once I'm done with school.
#1 Thomas Bernacki on 2013-05-16 21:52
Hey Bob your guys are doing a GREAT job on that GREAT WESTERN plow. But I have'nt read on who the person or persons names are who were key in getting it to IRM. It seemed to have come out of nowhere. When did IRM find out about it ? Who got it ready to move? How much did it cost? How did it get there? What's the story???
#2 Richard S Moe on 2013-05-21 13:43
In any acquisition for IRM there are many players involved and a LOT of behind the scenes work. We were in the game for maybe five years previous to the arrival of the plow at IRM. If you use this BLOG feature, go down the category list and click or highlight the category for CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RUSSELL SNOW PLOW. (You may have to click on the PLUS sign for the Freight Department to expand the category list.) Click on the link for the plow and many of your questions will be answered, if you go back to the first entries by date. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-05-30 05:23
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