CCW 300, what is the operational plan for that loco? Would it be analogous to the current duties of the 45 Tonner?
#1 Nik on 2013-05-29 11:33
The loco ran in Iowa on a 1200 volt DC supply. We intend to be able to operate it on our display railway at 600 volts. That will involve some 'engineering' including slower speeds and a way to supply 1200 volts to the air compressor. It was a 'mainline' locomotive for the CCW although that electric line was far shorter than a comparable steam mainline. It will look outstanding pulling a string of freight cars in its bold orange paint scheme. No timetable yet for getting to that point. Bob Kutella
#1.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-05-30 05:18
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