That is a very nice looking caboose. It would look very nice touched up a bit and in service. That crane is also pretty neat, especially since it is operational. Keep up the good work!
My 13 year old son and I were watching this project until the lightning came, I thought they would stop for the day when it seemed the rain would never end.I wish we would have stayed to see it through. I remember when I was his age (40 years ago)and there were no barns, everything was outside unprotected. It is nice to see the improvements and the equipment now being able to be protected. Keep up the good work and thank you.
I had no idea that crane was operational! It's been on the property for as long as I can remember. Great work!
Does anyone know what happened to CBQ 9255? It appeared to do a test run Saturday morning and then was shut down for the rest of the weekend. Wasn't sure if there was an issue or just decided to use the ComEd switcher instead. Thanks!
Many of our locomotives are operational and are used depending on the job and where they are on the property. I am not aware of any major issues with the 9255, but then I am not in that department.
A few things 1. I'm not the mark in the photos. (ED: Mark Secco was identified in the post.) 2. Most of the (missing) windows are plated over and the tracks were removed at McComb when the car was repainted 3. Yes it was always orange the original IC lettering can be made out on the car.
Great photos and it will be wonderful to have the ICG caboose back in service. With the work Mark has done on the crane,getting it operational, substantial costs savings can be realized by not renting cranes for some of the work. I would suggest that the ICG caboose would be a good candidate for restoration after the X-38. It is very shabby, even on the interior where guests ride.
I am that guy in the Hi-Vis yellow jacket. I have to say that this is not only hard work, it is dangerous also! All the times you see Mark and me just standing, we aren't shooting the breeze about the Cubs! Mark is an expert operator. He was showing me how to do things and we spent a lot of time talking about the safest way to do the work and going through "what ifs." All in all, it was a FUN day to get to work with good guys and a great machine like the 6363!