Looks like a busy day at the wood shop... I am glad to know Comcast service is now restored. Please feel free to contact me if you still nee help. I work for Comcast. ComcastMark Comcast Corp. National Customer Operations
#1 ComcastMark on 2013-08-26 15:42
Is the Caboose being taken back to"as built" or leaving the McComb rebuild job in place?
#2 Mark Rickert on 2013-08-26 21:16
The caboose work is to be as it was as it arrived at IRM. We have no records or documentation of the as built condition and arrangements, particularly the interior. This will see the caboose returned to service more or less sooner, rather than spend 2-3 years of additional work. Volunteer resources are thin, and the needed funding is not in place for major changes. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-08-27 05:21
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