Just a quick question. I know when UP 428 was test fired back in 2009, someone at IRM took a video of the days events and posted it on youtube. I am wondering if anyone from IRM took video of the recent achievements with Frisco 1630, and if so, would we be seeing video on IRM's youtube channel in the near future?
#1 Brian Plencner on 2013-11-02 08:50
There are at least 2 YouTube videos of the steam test and subsequent trial runs that I have seen. Search on IRM 1630 or somesuch thing and you should find them. C Kronenwetter IRM Member
#1.1 kronenwetter on 2013-11-07 16:16
Thanks for the information concerning U-Tube Everyone interested in steam should view them
#1.1.1 Roger Kramer on 2013-11-11 17:06
I have a train lover since I was a child. My first experience at IRM was great with my mom and dad. I remember our first ride was on 1630. Welcome back 1630 keep chugging along for all the new little engineers.
#2 mike jurkatus on 2013-11-02 22:12
6 months ago before I can see this baby run And I can show my fiance was a real train is Seven and a half years later I got a smile on my face and charcoal smell of sweet steam
#3 Andrew on 2013-11-03 20:58
These are historic photographs that should be kept track of. The weather and the darkness kind of symbolizes the bittersweetness of the events I've heard about.
#4 Chris on 2013-11-04 23:57
Friends- An anniversary of the CNS&M Electroliner retirement would be nice. The ciies of Lake Bluff,Lake Forest and Skokie with Liberyville and Mundelein would be interested. Tv or newspaper ad or contacting the historical societies would draw big attention to this event. The museum has good potential for hosting events of many types. Hope this will work. Best Wishes for the Holidays + New Year. Russ Majors
#5 russ majors on 2013-12-15 19:05
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