Do you guys already know what you are going to put up for display once the exhibit car is done?
#1 Philip Cwikowski on 2013-11-19 14:23
Exhibit Car #1 is already full. On display are: 1.] An exhibit by Gwyn Stupar on the Women Working on the Railway during WWII 2.] An exhibit by Mark Gellman about Railway Post Offices. 3.] There is a wall of Locomotive Builders Plates. 4.] Photo's of various Chicago RR Terminals, including the Actual Departure Board from CUST. This display has been open for the last year. Next year we hope to add Exhibit Car #2. The only things I am positive of for Car #2 is a project I am working on in conjunction with the Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago to illustrate the railroad car ferries on Lake Michigan. In particular, the 1906 sinking of LMCFT&Co. Car Ferry #2 off the Port of Chicago, will be explained. The UASC has discovered the remains of the vesicle on the bottom, and are currently making a complete underwater survey of her. The Exhibit car will also have a large screen video display for changing features. The Exhibit Cars are a side venture of the RR.Passenger Car Dept. Mike Baksic, Curator, [the late] Phil Stepic, Assistant, Project Manager is Jon Habbeger, and Assistant P.M. Mark Gellman.
#1.1 Sam Polonetzky on 2013-11-20 12:08
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