Thanks for the credit Roger! I saw the M-35 getting pushed around last week, but I've never seen the S-105. You have to show me where it is next time we are working!
#1 Kyle van der Meer on 2013-11-27 22:01
Is there still an active restoration effort for the M-35? The last reference I can find is from early 2001.
#2 Kurt Schlieter on 2013-11-28 09:37
Hello Kurt There is no active effort on the M-35. But little things are being worked on. Two people interested and always more jobs than volunteers. Roger
#2.1 Roger Kramer on 2013-12-01 12:07
Hello I have a question about one of the passenger cars that IRM was going to acquire. What happened to buying the CB&Q Olympus? Just curious as you guys sounded so exited to be possibly getting it.
#3 Logan on 2013-12-03 08:39
Hello Logan: Unfortunately, the CB&Q Olympus was scraped last year. Substituted in its place, is the Silver Beaver also a Budd baggage car. Due to situations at storage site and change of owners the "Beaver" will take a few more phone calls before it arrives at Irm. All donations that were earmarked for Olympus will be transferred to the "Beaver." Each donor does have option to transfer $ to another fund. Sorry to inform you, Logan, of the news. Roger
#3.1 Roger Kramer on 2013-12-08 13:48
The Olympus was scrapped by mistake where it was located. IRM is getting a replacement car, the Silver Beaver which is coming soon.
#3.2 Michael M. on 2013-12-08 16:29
Hello Michael I am sorry to tell you but the Silver Beaver is a long way from arriving at Irm. It could be years!
#4 Roger Kramer on 2013-12-08 18:47
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