Always nice to be able to see what I'm trying to read. That's an improvement, imho. Now, if something could be done to make the anti-spam code legible.......
#1 Rick H. on 2013-12-02 08:22
Nice font...very readable, don't have to strain to read. Now, if the pictures were larger....the way they are posted prohibits enlarging by clicking on them...see the way the Hicks blog posts pictures.... Display aside, it's the content I look for, and it is great!
#2 Lee W on 2013-12-02 17:25
I am not sure I understand your comment on the pictures. In the BLOG entry the thumbnail is the image you see. If you click once on anyone of them you get full screen displays, at least that is the way it has always worked for me. With that on the screen, you can scroll back or forward using arrows on the left border or right border of the image. Close the full screen display with the X in the upper right corner. Bob Kutella
#2.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-12-03 05:16
the larger print is the bomb
#3 john mosinski on 2013-12-02 18:58
I have a question for you as one of the curators do you think the museum would be able to get some of the old Metra Highliner cars? I believe that in getting those it would help show what other types of cars were used around Chicago.
#4 Logan on 2013-12-02 19:07
Not my department but I know plans have been made for acquisition. When some of them became available in the first round of those retired, inspections revealed them in very poor condition and we passed. Bob Kutella
#4.1 Robert Kutella on 2013-12-03 05:19
Ah well that's a disappointment. Thanks for getting back to me.
#4.1.1 Logan on 2013-12-03 08:34
This reply not in its right thread, but I was having trouble posting a comment there. Again, not my Department but I believe the Olympus was scrapped by the owner while waiting for us to make the arrangements to move it. As a substitute the car SILVER BEAVER is offered to us. Bob Kutella
# Robert Kutella on 2013-12-04 05:57
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