Quit teasing me, Nigel! lol I'm sure you'll find and fix the problem in time for me to be a trainman on Sunday.
#1 David S on 2014-05-24 06:17
Thank you all for your hard work! Any update for today? I will be driving over 2 hours, and would sure appreciate knowing if it's a go for today.
#2 Bill on 2014-05-24 08:16
I CAN'T WAIT FOR HER TO RETURN! I am VERY excited about this! I've been waiting a LONG time for her to return! Hope to ride behind her this weekend! 1630 is my FAVORITE locomotive out of all of them! I'd ride her all day and not get bored or tired!
#3 Jack on 2014-05-24 11:15
Think anyone can fix the barn 9 webcam and maybe give the others a little lens cleaning? Please?
#4 Jim on 2014-05-24 18:58
To all who have worked so hard to bring the 1630 back to life, a heart felt Congratulations! Well done! Steve
#5 SteveC on 2014-05-24 21:06
First visit today, happened on the 1630 in steam, great job folks!
#6 jim on 2014-05-24 22:10
Fantastic news! Kudos to the steam team! It will be great to have 1630 operating as she was meant to. ..and delighting the next generation of RR fans. Now get some rest!
#7 Dan Mottl on 2014-05-25 07:05
Great news!! Thank you to the steam department for all of there hard work to get the 1630 back in service. Fantastic job.
#8 Tedd on 2014-05-25 11:28
Congrats on a great job of getting her up and running for this weekend. Sounds like everyone was working around the clock. She looks great!
#9 Charles Brown on 2014-05-25 17:12
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