How were these locomotives transported to North Carolina? If under their own power, I would have loved to been along for the ride.
#1 Jerry Hund on 2014-06-10 18:39
Union Pacific towed them to Chicago, and Norfolk Southern towed them along with other engines as a light power move to North Carolina. Return was the opposite, towed to Chicago light power by Norfolk Southern, then handed off to Union Pacific to take to Union.
#1.1 Brian on 2014-06-12 22:55
Since when does CNW 411 have ditch lights?
#2 Will on 2014-06-12 00:31
They are temporary ditch lights, I'm not exactly sure how they are mounted, but they we're put on for the trip, taken off during the festivities, and then put back on for the trip home. If you look at the roundhouse photo, 411 is not wearing ditch lights
#2.1 Brian on 2014-06-12 11:42
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