while watching the Diesel Days parade, i noticed a detail on UP 1848 that stood out to me. it was its cab number, i could tell it had a previous number before it was labeled 1848. do you plan to give its old number back and even repaint it in its original SSW grey & red? they did say it ran on the cotton belt, right?
#1 Raffi on 2014-07-23 00:17
Hello, is there anyone that I can contact in the Diesel Department about volunteering? I am studying mechanical engineering and I would love to get some hands on experience with diesel locomotives. I'm already a member and I've volunteered before at the museum for the past two years. Is there anyone here that can give me some direction? Thank you.
#2 Thomas on 2014-07-24 13:01
i have a question involving MILW 96B, it said it was a "Rotary Power Car". was it referring to the fact that it used a Wankel engine? or is it a Rotary Snow Plow Power Source?
#3 Raffi on 2014-08-02 20:57
Rotary snowplow power unit.
#3.1 Nick on 2014-08-23 13:58
Raffi: I did a bit of research and found that UP1848 wore the number UP5657 from March of 1999 to August 2002; from build date August 1988 until March of 1999 it was St. Louis Southwestern ("Cotton Belt") SSW8049. My opinion only: I'd like to see it kept in UP colors; since we share the interchange with "Uncle Pete", it would honor the donor by having at least one operating unit at the museum in Armour Yellow.
#4 Mike Gorecki on 2014-08-05 08:21
hey, MILW 33C/37A are not too far behind. XD
#4.1 Raffi on 2014-10-01 22:38
during diesel days, i noticed Southern Pacific 1518 in desperate need of a paint job. which led me to ask: if you were to re-paint 1518, which style would you take? the famous black widow scheme, or the current red & grey it has now?
#5 Rafael on 2014-09-29 21:27
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